This scene uses various different cinematography shots, and these shots create suspense, the close up shot at the beginning of the no tress passing this suggests danger and by the camera tilting upwards suggests the tall fence and how secure the place is. The long shot of the mansion portrays the size and highlights the distance to make it seem longer than it is. There is a lot of fading used to convey different objects and further emphasis different objects and writing. The film is consistent with darkness and this uses lighting to make certain objects stand out furthermore it uses this technique to create suspense.
This type of camera shot is a medium shot and this shows only two people in the frame and the reason for this type of shot is to make the audience focus on the characters. This shot shows two people who love each other and are surrounded by the sea. From this type of shot it seems as though the characters are flying because we do not see the ship so it creates that type of illusion.
The camera angle represented in this still, is a medium shot, this gives the audience a vivid image of who the characters are. Furthermore the camera shot shows Batman to be situated higher, than the Joker, this could symbolise significance or that he is a more dominant or a more powerful character.
This is a still, taken from the epic film Twilight, the camera angle shown is a close up, it allows the audience to gain a perception of the characters expressions, as emotions are conveyed in the same shot. Moreover, the two characters are seen to be gazing in each other’s eyes, this creates quite an intense atmosphere and from their emotions you could gather that the female Bella, looks bewildered or shocked, yet Edward, could be viewed as protective or in a deep thought.
In this still, the camera angle represented is a long shot, not only does it show characters, it also allows the audience to create a feel for the setting, which in this scene is the dessert, which allows the audience to sympathise with the heat etc. Also, this long shot creates the emphasis of the distance of the dessert, furthermore the audience are engaged with suspense of not knowing who or what the characters are doing, which allows them to ask questions, and really think about the scene.
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