Monday 29 November 2010
This scene uses various different cinematography shots, and these shots create suspense, the close up shot at the beginning of the no tress passing this suggests danger and by the camera tilting upwards suggests the tall fence and how secure the place is. The long shot of the mansion portrays the size and highlights the distance to make it seem longer than it is. There is a lot of fading used to convey different objects and further emphasis different objects and writing. The film is consistent with darkness and this uses lighting to make certain objects stand out furthermore it uses this technique to create suspense.

This type of camera shot is a medium shot and this shows only two people in the frame and the reason for this type of shot is to make the audience focus on the characters. This shot shows two people who love each other and are surrounded by the sea. From this type of shot it seems as though the characters are flying because we do not see the ship so it creates that type of illusion.
The camera angle represented in this still, is a medium shot, this gives the audience a vivid image of who the characters are. Furthermore the camera shot shows Batman to be situated higher, than the Joker, this could symbolise significance or that he is a more dominant or a more powerful character.

This is a still, taken from the epic film Twilight, the camera angle shown is a close up, it allows the audience to gain a perception of the characters expressions, as emotions are conveyed in the same shot. Moreover, the two characters are seen to be gazing in each other’s eyes, this creates quite an intense atmosphere and from their emotions you could gather that the female Bella, looks bewildered or shocked, yet Edward, could be viewed as protective or in a deep thought.
In this still, the camera angle represented is a long shot, not only does it show characters, it also allows the audience to create a feel for the setting, which in this scene is the dessert, which allows the audience to sympathise with the heat etc. Also, this long shot creates the emphasis of the distance of the dessert, furthermore the audience are engaged with suspense of not knowing who or what the characters are doing, which allows them to ask questions, and really think about the scene.

Sunday 28 November 2010

steve jobs and rupert murdoch

1.      Why are Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch working together on this joint venture? What will be the benefits for each of them? Could collaborating present any disadvantages for either Murdoch or Jobs?
Steve jobs and Rupert Murdoch are working on a new development which is known as the daily. It will be known as the daily and would be available on the ipad. Rupert Murdoch hopes by doing this will demonstrate that consumers are willing to pay for high- quality, original content online. This is beneficial to boost circulation for News Corporation and there will be more consumption of the ipad and their projections show that 40million people will have an ipad and if 5 percent subscribe then that’s 2 million people which is massive. I don’t believe there are any disadvantages for either as they will both be promoting each other.

2.      How will other media institutions be affected by the introduction of the Daily for the iPad?
Other media institutions will be affected as a result of this as many people have an ipad therefore it would be easy for them to subscribe as it not time consuming (going to the shop) so they will buy the daily which will be easier for them and can use it wherever. However people may argue that people prefer to have a newspaper however the ipad has demonstrated with iBook’s that it makes it very realistic and gives you a sense of control as when you turn the page it is like turning over a newspaper or book. Of course by news coop and ipad merging competitors will find alternatives to compete. Maybe create an app for the Samsung galaxy s tablet.

3.      Write a definition for the term synergy. Is the Daily an example of synergy? Explain.
Synergy is the process through which a series of media products derived from the same text is promoted in and through each other. The daily is an example of synergy as News Corporation is trying to diversify the way they distribute news. And they have found a new way to do so and that is on the ipad. Furthermore these two companies are promoting each other as the ipad is encouraging to read newspapers on the ipad and news corporations is encouraging to buy the ipad and consume news using the digital technology. By these two companies working together they will create the best experience for reading a newspaper of a digital device.
4.      Write a definition for the term convergence. Is the Daily an example of convergence? Explain.
Convergence is the coming together of different media technologies. Media has evolved from reading newspapers to watching it on the TV and now using the internet to access news. Now the new creation is creating an application to read newspapers on the ipad.

5.      Which other newspapers have successfully launched web editions?
There is much other different newspaper on the internet this includes the daily telegraph, the sun and much more these are successful as they are well known and many people like the stories they broadcast. Therefore putting it on the internet allows people to access the news instantly and receive regular updates.

6.      Why is Murdoch "running counter to current thinking" regarding online newspapers?
He is thinking this so that he can be the best media institution, Rupert Murdoch wants to think bigger and better than other media institutions and he wants to be the biggest media company so he is thinking of ways to ensure more people reads the news he wants them to see and hear.

7.      The Daily is intended to combine "a tabloid sensibility with a broadsheet intelligence". Explain what this means.
This means that Rupert Murdoch wants to expand the way people consume news and he wants to do this by not involving print. He wants to go beyond print and beyond any other media institution by using counter thinking. Rupert Murdoch would like to distribute news via the ipad and by using apple engineers they may be able to pursue this intention.

8.      A survey found that "...readers spent more time immersed in their iPads than they did – comparatively speaking — on the internet, where unfocused surfing is typical." Why do you think this is?
As many people are distracted by their ipad what other way to show the news on it. If people are so into why not this look at the news on it as well will be great for News Corporation as more people will read the news using the device.

9.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of this collaboration between News Corporation and Apple for the audience/consumer? Explain your ideas in as much detail as possible.
Well news corporation and apple join is huge and this is a horizontal integration as a newspaper company is joining with company which develops technology and by these two companies joining this will increase the reputation of new cooperation on to the digital side. And increase the awareness of apple on the news side. This is great for the customers as they can check the news easily and it now different experiencing news on the ipad which may appeal to a wide variety of audiences. I don’t think there are any disadvantages as if people like this way of consuming the news they can still go back to reading newspapers.
10.  Do you think the Daily will be a success? Why/Why not?
I think this would be successful as there are millions of people using the ipad and people love this product and becomes a part of their lives and now it will add another feature of getting news straight on it and this will be great as people can use this wherever they are and be informed of updates around the world so I believe this will be successful

Sunday 21 November 2010


Film process
·         Someone has an idea
·         They create an outline and use it to promote interest in the idea
·         A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights over the film
·         People brought together to make the film (screen, writer, producer, director, cast, crew)
·         Film made sent to studio
·         The studio makes a licencing agreement with a distribution company
·         The distribution company determines how many copies print of the film to make
·         Distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buying representatives the theatres
·         Buyers negotiate with distribution company on which movie they wish to lease  and terms of lease agreement
·         Prints sent to theatres few days before opening day
·         Theatre shows movie for specific number of weeks
·         Buy ticket watch film
·         End of engagement theatre sends print back to distribution company and makes payment on lease agreement

A film distributor is company or individual responsible for releasing films to the public either theatrically or for home viewing.
The studio system was a means of film production and distribution dominant in Hollywood from the early 1920s through the 1950s. The term studio system refers to the practice of large motion picture studios. The first thing people think of is producers and how these people shaped Hollywood. The Studio System during the 1930s strangled independent cinema and took such great liberties to turn a profit that creativity was severely compromised. The Studio System was run by the producer's that worked within it, and the films that they produced were under their total control. This means they controlled the film production distribution and exhibition in contrast there are not many that individually do these types of film production it is divided between different companies.
Horizontal integration indicates the acquisition of competitors in the same section of the industry.
Vertical integration indicates the control of three main areas of production, distribution and exhibition. Time warner and AOL merge.


Film process
·         Someone has an idea
·         They create an outline and use it to promote interest in the idea
·         A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights over the film
·         People brought together to make the film (screen, writer, producer, director, cast, crew)
·         Film made sent to studio
·         The studio makes a licencing agreement with a distribution company
·         The distribution company determines how many copies print of the film to make
·         Distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buying representatives the theatres
·         Buyers negotiate with distribution company on which movie they wish to lease  and terms of lease agreement
·         Prints sent to theatres few days before opening day
·         Theatre shows movie for specific number of weeks
·         Buy ticket watch film
·         End of engagement theatre sends print back to distribution company and makes payment on lease agreement

A film distributor is company or individual responsible for releasing films to the public either theatrically or for home viewing.
The studio system was a means of film production and distribution dominant in Hollywood from the early 1920s through the 1950s. The term studio system refers to the practice of large motion picture studios. The first thing people think of is producers and how these people shaped Hollywood. The Studio System during the 1930s strangled independent cinema and took such great liberties to turn a profit that creativity was severely compromised. The Studio System was run by the producer's that worked within it, and the films that they produced were under their total control. This means they controlled the film production distribution and exhibition in contrast there are not many that individually do these types of film production it is divided between different companies.
Horizontal integration indicates the acquisition of competitors in the same section of the industry.
Vertical integration indicates the control of three main areas of production, distribution and exhibition. Time warner and AOL merge.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Film Noir

Film Noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. Hollywood's classic film noir period is generally regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Film noir also had a distinctive style, with shadow-filled low-key lighting. In film noir the lighting in a scene is conveyed by the use of a shadow.
The low key lighting used in many film noir films use light and dark contrasts and this is known as chiaroscuro.
The image conveys the lighting of a low key lighting. The effect of this creates strong contrast between the light and the dark. There are different type of lighting affects used in this image for the person in the background backlighting is used which creates the effect of a silhouette. And on the two characters closer to the camera there is top lighting used and this makes the characters facial expression more engaging as the characters looked worried.
The person in the background looks like a killer with a gun and use of a silhouette affects creates the impression that the character does not want to be identified. The two characters facial expressions are scared of the killer. The two characters has a gun which may be a sign of protecting themselves.
Sin City
This film is a good example of film noir and the type of film this is, is violence and this is represented by the lighting and the shadowing used. One drawing image is the guy with the gun. The light on the gun draws attention to the weapon.
Another interesting image is when the woman dead on the heart shaped bed and this creates confusion as the colour red is in a black and white film. This connotes love. However there is death and love and death is on contrast to each just like light and dark colours used in film noir films.
In the trailer the males are tenser rather than the women who are there to look glamorous like a star especially with the light shining on their face in contrast to their surroundings.  
Sin city trailer

20th Century Fox Film

Fantastic four
The film which I have chosen I s fantastic four and the reason for this is because it is based in two platforms broadcasting and e-media
The fantastic four films is produced by the 20th century fox and the film relates to action and superheroes. The target audience for the film fantastic four is children as this was given as complementary toy when bought with a child’s meal.
Burger king including fantastic four advert
There are also action figures produced and sold worldwide in order to attract the young audience furthermore the fantastic four is a child’s program which is animated  and comes on cartoon network.
This film also managed to seek the attention of teenagers by creating a video game which links to the platform of emedia and the videogame was available to different gaming consoles.
This film was advertised worldwide via the use of buses and billboards furthermore it was broadcasted on children’s TV channels furthermore burger king had introduced fantastic four in order to create more sales on their food and increase awareness of fantastic four.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Independent task

Distinctive image
This is the distinctive image and this looks uncommon as this image uses mis en scene to represent it in that way.
The props which are used is the guy on the right is holding a pillow which suggests that he wants comfort as he is hugging the pillow. Looking at the picture something terrible has happened and therefore he is worried. The sunglasses on the baby suggest that they want to hide the identity of the baby this refers to the men being hangover and forgetting whose child it is and this leads to a mystery to find out how the child got in to their possession.
The person looking into the mirror suggests the character is confused, by him looking at his tooth suggests that he does not know how he sustained losing his tooth and this creates suspense for the audience as they want to know how and why he has lost his tooth likewise with how the baby got there and especially how the tiger is there and the chicken. Furthermore the person with no pants makes the audience interpret the genre of comedy.

The room is well light and the reason for this is to create the affect that it is day time and the characters are waking up from their hangover. This creates a mood of tiredness getting up early after a hangover.

The clothes that the characters are wearing are creased or lost and this conveys the characters are drunk and are unaware of what has happened to them. They seem confused and worried and there clothes looked ruined from what they did. The person without pants may be seen to look funny and weird this again links to the genre of the film.

Their expressions are confused, worried, scared and this is displayed by having a baby in the shot and a tiger which create the expressions on the characters faces. This image is bizarre and this creates a distinctive image of having all those things in one camera shot.

The mis en scene in this film is there are different props to help create the genre of comedy such as the gun and when it is shot is quite funny as the person did not know if the gun was loaded. The actions after are very dramatic to make the audience laugh as he goes mad and runs into the door create laughter for the audience. The actions of the characters help create the mood of funny as the person goes to sleep when driving these shows a sense of danger and the increase of the car makes the character panic. This film is a age of 15-21 with a demographic of c1c2 as their elements of the film being rich and where they seem poor.

this film is and action by using mis en scene the directors are able to create this with an iconic super hero “iron man” already the film has showed someone creating something and this relates to action as you there is going to be a fight and the person who 9is creating a weapon wants to kill iron man. The last part shows the characters fighting and being heroic and there expressions are normal which suggest they are brave to create a super hero. The age rating for this would be 12-18 and it would be aimed at c2de as they would prefer this type of film.

This films lighting is consistent with dark and dull colours to create a mood of violence, death and revenge. There are enigma codes used to convey suspense and engage the audience and the type of genre for this type of film is action and there is an element of romance. The snake used in this video symbolises death and bad. This suggests that they want to kill harry potter. The use of a broomstick and wand represent magic film.

Sunday 7 November 2010

The genre of this film is romance/ fantasy this is conveyed by showing two men and a female which may symbolise a love triangle. This film may relate to love complications just by how the characters are positioned. We see it visually by the stance of the middle character “Jacob” he is portrayed as a protector to the female character “Bella”. The two males are looking at the audience indirectly however they seem to be looking at each other which suggest rivalry. Whereas the female is looking at the audience directly which proposes she is the main character.
The two males do not look at the audience which creates a secret; the two characters may be inhuman whereas the female looks at the audience which shows she is human.
The murky dull colours convey sadness which may be inflicted on the female. The title “new moon” relates to the bright light emerging from the forest. Furthermore the word new connotes new beginning, fresh start. The film could contain looking at the poster that Edward has to leave Bella and she becomes distort, after Jacob then picks up the pieces and gives her something else to focus on.
The target audience for this film is from thirteen to seventeen and the secondary audience may involve adults. The demographic of this may be classed at c2de as it seems to be aimed at that particular audience.
The genre of the film is comedy this is shown by the look of the actors and their positions. The actor look drunk which is shown by the film title “the hangover”. The person pointing at his tooth shows that he is confused which may suggest that he does not know how he incurred that problem which may symbolise unexpectancy and the characters being drunk makes them  unaware of their actions. The film creates a mystery as you wonder why there is a baby there.
The bright colours suggest fun, entertainment and madness. Furthermore the bright colours emphasis the lighting of Vegas as it is bright and colourful.
The tagline some guys just can’t handle Vegas. Vegas are known as sin city. Vegas is associated with casinos, money, gambling and they can’t handle is and go overboard by getting drunk and doing stupid things.
The target audience for this film is fifth teen to twenty one and is for both females and males. It would also consist of a c2de demographic because it is aimed at the people that fit in that demographic.