Sunday 21 November 2010


Film process
·         Someone has an idea
·         They create an outline and use it to promote interest in the idea
·         A studio or independent investor decides to purchase rights over the film
·         People brought together to make the film (screen, writer, producer, director, cast, crew)
·         Film made sent to studio
·         The studio makes a licencing agreement with a distribution company
·         The distribution company determines how many copies print of the film to make
·         Distribution company shows the movie (screening) to prospective buying representatives the theatres
·         Buyers negotiate with distribution company on which movie they wish to lease  and terms of lease agreement
·         Prints sent to theatres few days before opening day
·         Theatre shows movie for specific number of weeks
·         Buy ticket watch film
·         End of engagement theatre sends print back to distribution company and makes payment on lease agreement

A film distributor is company or individual responsible for releasing films to the public either theatrically or for home viewing.
The studio system was a means of film production and distribution dominant in Hollywood from the early 1920s through the 1950s. The term studio system refers to the practice of large motion picture studios. The first thing people think of is producers and how these people shaped Hollywood. The Studio System during the 1930s strangled independent cinema and took such great liberties to turn a profit that creativity was severely compromised. The Studio System was run by the producer's that worked within it, and the films that they produced were under their total control. This means they controlled the film production distribution and exhibition in contrast there are not many that individually do these types of film production it is divided between different companies.
Horizontal integration indicates the acquisition of competitors in the same section of the industry.
Vertical integration indicates the control of three main areas of production, distribution and exhibition. Time warner and AOL merge.

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