Wednesday 5 January 2011

trailer research

Step up is a film about passion in regards to sound and music this has similarities to the trailer we would like to create which would consist of music. The effects such as fading helps create a fast past film furthermore each sequence connect. This is all conveyed by dancing. Cuts also suggests a fast past film corresponding to fast music and dancing. This film looks at different styles of music and dancing and our film would consist of a different type of song. The close up used are to portrays the characters emotions and feelings and we see that the character is surprised and amazed by the dancing.
The film uses quick shot to convey the message in regards to say it is time to step up which suggests this film is bigger and better than the previous with more moves and sounds in order to create a better and engaging film.
The shot where we are looking over the characters shoulder makes the audience more involved and focused on the poster which suggests that people are going to create their own style to compete.
This film uses diegetic and non-diegetic sounds the main diegetic sounds in this film will come from dialogue however non diegetic maybe more involved in this film as the music we listen is non-diegetic.
This film incorporates a lot of high key lighting in order to make the film more realistic this could reflect the dance moves that are performed are real and unique.
At the end of the trailer it uses famous singers to promote the film to the audience but also convey their music and what the artist have created for the film step up. Furthermore it shows networks to engage the audience and appeal to a wider range.

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