London to Brighton
1) The genre of this film is a thriller and drama this is known as a hybrid. The way the camera angles lead us to believe the film is a drama and thriller is by the use of close ups and this method concentrates on the expressions of the character furthermore it makes us feel their emotions. There are many close up especially when the male takes the girls hand and then it cuts to her face this suggests she is nervous and scared. We see lipstick on her face, this creates an inappropriate scene for the girl furthermore she is inexperienced which suggests she has lost her innocence. There are various medium shots is when the male leads the two females into the house, this suggests power and dominance in contrast the females are weak and powerless. The characters seem as though they do not want to be involved with this male.
We understand the relationship between the characters and this is represented by the distance, the females do not know the male therefore there is a big distance left to portray this. The distance could represent vulnerability amongst the females and this relates to the drama. As this may be an event that is true this creates realism
The reviews are used not only to promote the film and give feedback but it also tells the audience the genre of the film. The writing is in bold which connotes that the storyline is bold and realistic.
The clever technique of editing includes cuts and blurred vision the reason for using this reflects confusion, furthermore it is consistent in including the genre as the quick cuts create a fast pace film, furthermore it emphasises excitement which are all associated with the thriller theme.
The trailer is consistent with the dark colours and this may connote confusion links to thriller as it creates suspense.
The trailer used diegetic and non-diegetic sounds and the sounds used demonstrate the genre, the film uses a piano which suggests innocence, this sound is used as a sound bridge through the trailer. The sound is non-diegetic sound furthermore another sound is used to increase intensity which connotes thriller and this is where the drums is used and this gives the females a sense of urgency.
The gunshot at the end suggests surprise element within the film, the sound makes the audience jump therefore linking it to thriller.
2) The way the trailer represents both males and females genders are portrayed in the opposite ways. The feelings and emotions of the males create a contrast for how the females react.
The male gender are represented in this film as stereotypes as what you would normally associate with males links to the characters in the film.
The males are seen to be powerful, dominant and controlling, this is done by taking advantage of the situation the girl is in. the girl is homeless and needs money therefore the female is powerless to money and she needs it therefore she would do anything to get it this means the male is in control as he can make her do what he desires.
The end shot with the male holding the gun gives the male power and is feared. By pointing the gun towards the camera this creates the impression that the gun is being pointed at the audience this makes the audience feel threatened furthermore the camera is looking up to him which reinforces power and superiority and as he is pointing down the audience are aware that he is pointing it towards the girl which suggests she is being controlled, this also allows the audience to have power over the girl
The females fit their stereotype of being weak and powerless through the scenes we see them being controlled and are vulnerable.
3) The film London to Brighton is an example of a low budget film as the audience notice the unknown actors, the film does not use any known actors therefore this film represents a low budget film in contrast to a huge million pound Hollywood blockbuster.
The settings that the directors have used are real and are not created sets this reiterates the low budget film. The directors do not have enough money to create sets this links to the genre of a drama furthermore it allows the audience to notify that the film has been made by British people and has also been produced in Britain.
In the sequence of the film there are no special effects; explosions could be used however the film has not got enough money to do so as you have to pay for the equipment to create that affect this refers to the low budget film.
The actor’s makeup and clothes are normal although this creates a drama it also shows that
The film is unable to hire better clothes. The makeup is used to a minimum this connotes a less professional makeup artists.
As this film links to people’s emotions and this will not be made by Hollywood as it is risky therefore Hollywood would not risk their target audience as they only attract a mainstream audience and this film would not appeal to them.
4) The target audience for this film would be from 16-34 and the social demographic would include c2de and the reason for these decisions is the cast, the locations and the overall film and genre.
The film promotes itself by film reviews of newspapers and magazines, as the target audience are aware of these newspapers and magazines they trust their judgement therefore by them suggesting the film is good is persuades the target audience to go and watch the film.
By using the scenes and settings in the trailer is appeals to people as the trailer creates suspense and allows audiences to want to know what happens therefore being interested by the trailer they would watch the film.
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